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The Grim Reaper
Admin Moderator Helper Partner Voyager Member
I am the Founder and Creator of TSOL:R ("The Story Of Legends: Reborn, the name may change in the future), a soon-to-be somewhat D&D-styled Story that lets the "Players" create characters, items, and more within its community-driven narrative in which they will have full control over happens with their creations (and entirely control the characters they make and their actions) but of course we do have a few rules for creation and what they can do "In-Game" whenever we finish setting up that part. There's a "Server-Side Script" that only I will have access to for the NPC Interactions (if they choose an option that is given), for "Cutscene" sections (sections in the story where there is no player-based action), and to HOPEFULLY keep the players on track as they practically have complete freewill just with a few minor rules that will be explained once we set everything up; currently there is only one main storyline but we have plans for future side storylines in which we may also allow the players to make some of their own. Some notes for Character/Item/Other Creation: We may deny any creation with a valid reason if necessary, and if we feel something needs to be changed (due to rules or something else), we may ask to change it. If you do not know what each section in the info card is for, we are currently working on an "info card" explaining what they are all for. It also may take time for creations to be looked at due to various reasons. More notes will be available in our discord server: I am the Founder and Creator of TSOL:R ("The Story Of Legends: Reborn, the name may change in the future), a soon-to-be somewhat D&D-styled Story that lets the "Players" create characters, items, and more within its community-driven narrative in which they will have full control over happens with their creations (and entirely control the characters they make and their actions) but of course we do have a few rules for creation and what they can do "In-Game" whenever we finish setting up that part. There's a "Server-Side Script" that only I will have access to for the NPC Interactions (if they choose an option that is given), for "Cutscene" sections (sections in the story where there is no player-based action), and to HOPEFULLY keep the players on track as they practically have complete freewill just with a few minor rules that will be explained once we set everything up; currently there is only one main storyline but we have plans for future side storylines in which we may also allow the players to make some of their own. Some notes for Character/Item/Other Creation: We may deny any creation with a valid reason if necessary, and if we feel something needs to be changed (due to rules or something else), we may ask to change it. If you do not know what each section in the info card is for, we are currently working on an "info card" explaining what they are all for. It also may take time for creations to be looked at due to various reasons. More notes will be available in our discord server https://discord.gg/j9R6bMYE
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